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This blog looks at how families express themselves and provides practical suggestions for improving communication.  Of course, "effective" and "improving" are value-laden terms, so while you may not agree with each of my suggestions, I do hope you'll keep stopping by to find the nuggets that work for you and those you love.  As you find ideas of value, please share this page with others.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Twelve suggestions for the New Year – An Update

Here’s a brief recap of my twelve suggestions and an update on how I’m doing with each one.  I’ll post my score at the bottom.

#12: Write a handwritten note each month to someone who will appreciate receiving snail mail.

I did send a couple of handwritten cards earlier this year, but this one’s really a struggle for me. (0.5)

#11: Since eleven is the number of participants on a side in both versions of football, I encourage you to join a team this year – to be part of something larger than yourself, something (outside of work) where you share in the outcome with others.

Hasn’t happened yet.  Unless eating wings with friends at Fricker’s counts.  Didn’t think so. (0.0)

#10: The next time your family gathers for a grandparent's birthday celebration, have that person share one significant memory from each decade of his/her life.

Have done this in the past – need to revive this one for 2012.  Wow – so far I’m not off to a great start. (0.0)

#9: Only cats have nine lives.  Buckle up and put the phone down while driving.

Always wear a seatbelt.  Actually looked at a Bluetooth device for my phone the other day.  Probably not doing great on the phone (OK, that’s a fail). (0.5)

#8: Get eight hours of sleep. So I'm going to try and get in a routine that allows me to spend eight hours in bed even if not every minute is spent sleeping.

This was not a sexual reference as some read it to be.  I will say that I am doing much better about getting to bed earlier and getting more sleep. (1.0)

#7: Have a Sabbath rest each week.  This Jewish tradition is thousands of years old and just as needed today.  For me personally, a Sabbath rest is a reminder that I need to trust in the presence and provision of God.

Doing well on this one – I’ve been consciously considering it each weekend as I plan my days. (1.0)

#6: It's amazing how much energy many of us expend getting the parking spot closest to the door.  How about parking six spots beyond the closest and getting some additional exercise walking a few yards further each way?  It won't change your life, but may remind you of the need to keep moving those joints.  Of course, if it's pouring, get as close as possible.

Actually have thought about this a lot and am working to make it happen. (1.0)

#5: Lose five pounds by no longer drinking sugary drinks.  The average American consumes 20 teaspoons of sugar per day, much of it in sugary drinks.  My problem is I rarely drink soda, so I'll have to find another way to lose those pounds.

Sugary drink intake hasn’t changed for me – already drink so little in that category.  As I said, I need to find another way to lose those pounds. (0.5)

#4: Read one book a quarter - that's one book every three months.

I’m doing this and loving my Kindle in the process.  For one thing, my Kindle is used only for reading (I know you can set up your e-mail accounts on your Kindle, but that would just be one more place I would be distracted). (1.0)

#3: Think of three people from your past to thank for their contributions to your life.  I did this a while back and the responses were wonderful.

I’m still counting the notes I sent in the recent past – I just need to sit down and think of another three people to thank.  That shouldn’t be too hard! (0.5)

#2: Travel to two places this year that you've never been to before.  Choose one local destination (every community has interesting spots worth visiting - don't they?) and one at a distance.

Before the year’s out we’re headed to Mt. Rushmore – that’s my faraway spot.  Not sure about the local destination – have to keep working on that one. (0.5)

#1: Once a day tell someone "I love you."

This is not a struggle for me.  I love words of affirmation and try to give them freely, especially within my family. (1.0)

That’s a 7.5 out of 12.  Probably a “D” but since it’s only March, I’ll recast that as a positive and say I’m off to a reasonable start.  Have to update you later this year.

What’s your score so far in 2012?

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