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This blog looks at how families express themselves and provides practical suggestions for improving communication.  Of course, "effective" and "improving" are value-laden terms, so while you may not agree with each of my suggestions, I do hope you'll keep stopping by to find the nuggets that work for you and those you love.  As you find ideas of value, please share this page with others.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

“Blame Somebody Else Day” – Whose fault is that?

Recently I learned that the first Friday the 13th of each year is officially “Blame Somebody Else Day.”  This year it came quite early – the 2nd week of January.  I’m not sure why the connection is made between Friday the 13th and blaming others, but I’m fairly confident some people thought that every day was BSED.

Blame Game FingersHow about “Take Responsibility Lifetime?”  Many have lamented our victim culture – people who refuse to take responsibility for any of life’s ills or perceived slights.

While I know some would like us to believe that we can never really blame others because we are always responsible for our responses and emotions, I would take a somewhat amended view.  I do believe we are responsible for our responses and often for our emotions, but am persuaded that some emotional responses are close to being hard-wired and instinctual.  But that leaves a lot of room for recognition of our responsibility during our “Take Responsibility Lifetime.”

I’m hoping BSED fails to catch on, although as I noted it may not really matter since some people live as though it is BSED perpetually.

Let’s teach our kids to take responsibility, to exercise control where possible (i.e., self-control), and to exert influence to achieve right results in the world around them.  What they don’t need is another excuse to blame somebody else!